Where do you buy sex?
“At the station, you can buy it anywhere, but the price is the same. Some people I know have some numbers too. If you want cheap, if you want expensive.”
How do you approach the women you buy sex from?
“I just come and ask. I don’t get involved because there is nothing to get in touch for at that state. There are sober ones and not so drunk ones, but there is nothing to talk to them. You just go and ask how much this, how much that. Like it, not like it, let’s go and that’s it. It’s very simple”
Do you buy sex on the street or not?
“Yes, on the street. But not all the time. You can call on the phone you have too. They give you the number or you get a better one, you find it, it’s full. You ask a friend, you know, it’s been tried.”
When did you first become aware of the existence of prostitution and the possibility of buying sex from women?
“I saw a prostitute for the first time in the movies. I found out through friends when I was older, maybe.”
What kind of woman do you choose when you buy sex?
“Affordable. Only for the price. I don’t remember any of them, in fact, I couldn’t even describe them.”
What is your motivation for buying sex?
‘No motivation, I don’t know. Animal instinct and that’s it, no motivation.”
What is your motivation for buying sex?
‘No motivation, I don’t know. Animal instinct and that’s it, no motivation.”
What do you like most about buying sex?
”I like the promptness, not having to look for anything, everything I like is there instead. To get sex you need to meet someone, make some friends, and here you don’t need that when you buy sex. You pay and you get it right away. It’s like a service.”
How many women have you bought in total?
“A few, maybe 7 or so. ”